Wednesday 2 April 2014

Come spin with me...

Let’s get back to the spinning.  And by spinning I mean on a bike.  Was it the music? The motion? The sweat? The lyrca? A mixture of all of the above?  Spinning made me solid.  More solid than I’ve been in a long time.  And it burned the calories.  We like that.  Especially after we ingest the sacred bags of Halloween treasure.  Yeah we like that.  A lot.  So we spin.  We clip in.  We ride.  We ride.  We get nowhere.  Story of my life it seems.  But we burn.  We burn and we shrink.  And we (or he) likes that. A lot.  So we ride.

And not that you asked, but there are place I prefer over Toronto.  Lots of places.  Now don’t get me wrong, Toronto is a wonderful town.  Close to NY.  Near to good shopping and dining.  Almost,  just almost cosmopolitan.  Large enough not to be quaint and charming and small enough not to be considered a real big city.  At least that’s MY humble opinion.  There’s a lot of great services here in Toronto.  Not that you asked, but I’m pretty sure that I have the best hair blower, RMT             and AV guys in the city.  I’d share the details with you, but first you’ll have to email me.  You know, just so that I know you’re paying attention…gotcha!

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