Saturday 5 April 2014

Me, exposed.

1.    My favorite sound is the clicking into my spin shoes before the music gets going.
2.    I love when my babies say, “mamma, I need you”.  (sometimes I sit at the computer and wait for them to repeat it).
3.    I love kisses and cuddle time with my kids.
4.    Grocery shopping relaxes me.
5.    Ten months of the year I think with more clarity than anyone I know.
6.    2 months out of the year, I can barely string together a sentence.
7.    I love to make soups with everything in the kitchen.
8.    I hate to bake because I’m just not that scientific.
9.    Warm chocolate chip cookies and fall leaves are among my favorite scents.
10. I ran track in high school and played soccer too.  My bad attitude was frowned upon.  It was career limiting.
11. I love the number 2—and I’m not sure why? Three makes me uncomfortable.
12. Dim sum makes me happy.
13. I was a camper forever.  Met my husband age 12 on a camp canoe trip!
14. I admire people who can sing, dance and run.
15. Tennis is my favorite sport, though I like to kayak too.
16. My legs and clavicle are my best features.
17. I cry at commercials and movies.
18. I’m not a fan of TV shows-though I do enjoy big bang theory and 2.5 men.
19. I’m scared of pigeons, squirrels, cats and escalators going down.
20. Reading fifty shades made me blush, but also upset me.
21. I can read forever and forget about people.
22. Saddens me that I didn’t create Face book or Rainbow loom.
23. I feel the most free when I’m onboard an airplane.  I just resign my world to the pilot.
24. I like hot yoga
25. My favorite pleasure is getting my hair blown out and 1.5 hour massage.
26. Watching TRAIN videos on YouTube thrills me.  Love Jason Mraz and Michael Franti too.

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