Saturday 5 April 2014

Linked OUT

When did Linkedin become the new facebook? Facebook for those over 35?  It’s funny.  I was informed by their team that my account had been hacked.  Shocking.  So I went about trying to re-create my account.  Sourced a picture.  A decent one, complete with eyelash extensions and a smile.  I got busy adding old friends, colleagues and even a few relatives who held jobs.  In two days I was at 124 connections.  It was addictive.  I’d pour through friends connections and connect myself.  I loved the rush when they accepted.  Blew my mind how quickly I could amass these “friends”.  But there were three hold outs. Strangely in an alphabetized world, their last names all began with C.  Then I saw something devasting.  The word IGNORED.  How hideous is THAT?  I realized that they received and read my request and then still decided to decline.  Horrific.  But telling. Sad and shocking no doubt.  But i digress...

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