Friday, 25 September 2015

Different days

 You chided me.  "You and I have different days". 

What?? It was like a brick to my gut. I felt angry. Demeaned. Sad. Do you really notice nothing that I do? Is my contribution to our home and family worth so much less than yours. Or maybe nothing at all.  

So I turned away and clutched my iPhone and thought about my day

My Thursday started at 4:30am. That's the time our precious 5 year old decided it was time to wake up. And since he didn't want to be up alone, he found me. Sadly he didn't want to cozy in my bed and gorge on Netflix. He had a different plan. He wanted to plan his upcoming birthday.  In detail. Right down to the loot bags. And it is still September. His birthday is in December.  Once he and I agreed on a theme (he wants a hockey skating party) we went onto the menu, snacks and he even convinced me to let the boys sleep over.  

And suddenly it was five am. This felt like a more appropriate time to get up. So I did. Slowly I went upstairs to begin breakfast. My boy requested eggs, sunny side up. With toast. And the toast needed not to be too crispy. Loads of butter too. For sure at 7, my girl would come down with a completely different breakfast idea. 

And then for a little lunch magic.  I gathered all of our sustainable containers and began to create two perfect lunch kits. She prefers hot food like pasta or chicken and rice. He won't eat hot food at school because he doesn't believe it will stay warm enough for his gourmand self. 

Healthy snacks. Beautifully crafted carrots and cucumbers that will probably never be eaten. I always add in a fruit or two. This day was mango and berries. 

Then we'll go through our morning dance. Did you brush your teeth?  Brush your hair. "But i did". Brush it again. You need running shoes for gym. With socks. Why are you wear sweatpants? It's 95 degrees. 

And then inevitably as we are heading towards the door, there will be an assignment to sign.  Money needed for class pictures or a project. And so ill scramble. Surely they didn't know about this the night before?

In the car ride over to school I will blast music. Their music. I'll suffer through Beiber and Demi Lovato so I don't have to hear them fighting about nothing. 

I will kiss them goodbye and wish them wonderful days. And I always mean it. 

My first stop will be to take your clothes to the new dry cleaners. Apparently the old place isn't up to snuf. 

I'll drive over to our new house which isn't complete yet.  I'll check on the workers. Some days I bring them coffee and donuts. I'll deliver whatever i purchased the day before. Light fixtures, knobs. Whatever.  

I'll run to the grocery store to buy acceptable food for lunches.  When I come up with an interesting dinner menu, I'll purchase whatever's needed. 

This week, our girl has been invited to a bunch of birthday parties. I find a fun local store that wraps gifts and in the name of efficiency I buy all three presents at once. I'll have to remind our daughter at least four times to write a card. 

With the last hour and 1/2 I have before pick up, I'll zip over to the wallpaper store.  I'll pour through countless binders of papers to figure out what works for our new home. 

At 2:30, I'll race to pick up the kids.  I'll have their Swell bottles filled with fresh iced water. My head will be pounding and 
it's at that moment I'll realize I've forgotten to have lunch. Not even coffee. When I see my little ones running toward me, I'll forget about my aching head. And  I'll put away my iPhone to listen to their days' tales.  

My girl will chat it up about her new friend Charlie.  I'll giggle and call him her boyfriend. My son will remind me that all of his friends know about his imminent party. He'll beg me to charge a fee to his guests. I'll try in vain to explain how that's not acceptable. And I'll silently laugh about his budding business skills. 

We'll arrive home and tackle the evenings' routine. Dinner, showers, homework, books, bedtime. 

By the time they close their eyes I wil have been awake for 17 hours. 

On this particular day, I didn't get a manicure. Or a pedicure. Or a massage. I didn't meet a friend for lunch or coffee.  I didn't find anytime to write. I didn't watch tv. Or read a magazine. I'm sure I did talk on the phone while in transit. 

I had a wonderful day. One that started and ended with my family.

 I didn't sit in an office. I didn't use much of what was learned in MBA classes. I didn't get to laugh over a lunch meeting with colleagues.  

But what i did was valuable. What i do each day holds worth.

 Yes I'm grateful I don't have to slug it out in the rat race.  I'm glad I don't have suffer a sticky commute.  I'm glad you effortlessly handle all of the bills. And while somedays i long to wear a pencil skirt and heels, I know my current uniform is exactly as it should be. 

And I know the choice to manage my family was mine. And there's no job I'd rather have.  

Breathe. Drink water. Namaste

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